Thursday, September 4, 2014

My 14 month old Keiki

Pea baby,

Here's your 14 month shot from the day before our big trip:

And here you are at this same time last year:

You were very hard to nail down on this one, you insisted on throwing Raggedy down the slide every time I set her next to you. I imagine these photo-shoots are going to become increasingly difficult.

Our trip to Hawaii was fantastic. You were a champ on the flight (we did a lot of walking in circles). We got extremely lucky and ended up with a row to ourselves so you were able to create as much havoc as you felt was necessary. 

 We got to the house which had a great backyard right on the ocean, it gave you lots of room to roam.


We spent the bulk of the trip at a variety of different beaches. You were skilled at getting yourself completely covered in sand without hardly being in it at all. We scrapped attempting to keep you sand free pretty quickly and you probably ate a solid gallon of it over the course of the week. You loved playing in it. You were less thrilled with the ocean, while you love water, you apparently are a bit terrified of moving water. You warmed up to the idea fairly quickly, and in typical Kaia fashion, seemed to enjoy tasting it.


 You LOVED pineapples and were so adorable eating it you scored yourself a free plate of it at a restaurant because the staff liked watching you eat it so much. You were also a fan of the shaved ice, which we got every day, you've pretty much mastered the word more.

Otherwise we went for a hike to through the state park, you weren't such a fan of being confined that long:

You found lots of places to nap, and had no shortage of people willing to help you out on your quest for sleep:


 And finally, for our biggest news....YOU'RE WALKING!!

You decided pretty quickly down there that you will now be walking in addition to crawling. You were seen multiple occasions walking across rooms all over Hawaii. It's still not your main mode of transportation, but it's close. You also love the word no, "Kaia do you like Hawaii?"...'No', was one of the boys favorite forms of dialogue with you throughout the trip. You love to play hide and go seek (especially with your uncle) and try to keep up with the big kids to the best of your ability. You loved playing with your Aunt and Uncle, Brandon even got you saying his name briefly.  You are still the world's easiest baby (though you're learning to throw an epic tantrum), and are generally a very happy and silly kid. We adore you sweet pea!!

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