We're coming up quickly on the 15 month mark, and while I'll try to post then as well, I felt we were long over due for an update.
You are quite the crack up. You love to dance (currently Taylor Swift's 'Shake it Up' is your favorite), and you like to chant 'Buggy..buggy...buggy', which is really Aunt T's fault. You've also added a new handstand move courtesy of your brother. Here are a couple videos of your latest dance antics:
They currently refer to you as "Baby Genius" at school, though we tend to side more with "Baby Boss". You know all of the kids names in your class, and you LOVE to boss them around. Specifically, you like to yell at Anvi.."GET OVER HERE ANVI" is apparently a new favorite phrase. I have yet to hear it first hand, but it's been told to me by multiple teachers. You still will not call your brothers anything, but you squeal with glee every time you see them and usually make them give you a hug.
You are a walking fool, and can go everywhere on foot. Every once in a while you switch back to crawling, but it's definitely become a rareity.
Your favorite words are more, ball, doggy, no, mommy, daddy, bottle, and uh oh. You love berries more than just about anything, and can routinely polish off an entire case on your own. We have no problem getting you to eat most anything, you put your brothers to shame routinely by out eating them on a nightly basis.
You HATE swings, and anything bigger than you usually scares you. You like to go on the slide and to play peek a boo and to ride bikes. You've recently started getting into your dolly as well. The video below is us reading your favorite book "Is that my Dolly", it allows you to use your current favorite phrase (No) many times in a row:
You've learned to do the touchdown sign and are pretty good at only using it for actual Bronco touchdowns (thus the reason I don't have a video of it, I can't get you to do it if there's no touchdown). I do love to dress you up for games and you seem to be tolerating it for the moment.

Overall you are an exceptionally sweet and very busy baby. I truly could not wish for anything better in the world, I adore you sweet pea. Here are some more favorites from the month:
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