Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas baby

Baby bug,

You are quite the crack up. You continue to be my little politician, the baby that knows how to play a room and melt hearts. You've learned the word 'mooch and like to request one from everyone. You've gotten pretty good at learning everyone's names as well, and that combined with your 'I love you' and 'I miss you' phrases are pretty adorable weapons in your battle to ensure everyone adores you.

We kicked off our Christmas celebrating with the 'Santa Express' . You absolutely loved it, lots of carols and dancing and you got to see Santa. You loved to say 'ho ho ho', especially every time you saw Santa.  You were less than impressed by the time we got your picture:

Christmas morning came and Santa brought you a loved it.  You figured out the Christmas scene quickly and loved opening your presents. I have a trillion more pictures that I'll need to add when we get them off of Daddy's camera, I didn't take too many with my phone.

We went through our series of Christmases. Starting with Baba on Christmas Eve where you got a baby doll and puzzle. You love that doll, especially putting her to sleep and feeding her. Christmas morning was at our house followed by a trip to Popo and Grammies. You got your favorite little chair and a baby doll with a stroller along with a bunch of other cool stuff and were in super high spirits. You and Emma broke into spontaneous dance parties and you continued to adore the opening of presents. Christmas afternoon was at Uncle Byron's and Aunt Melissa's...we got caught in the beginnings of a snowstorm. You loved playing with your cousins and opening more presents. Mommy finally opened Daddy's present and we found out we'd be having a wedding :)  We wrapped up Christmas with Nana and Grandpa Larry's presents at our house and a couple days later we went to Grandma's for our Christmas finale. You were amazingly well behaved and loving being around all of your family.

The day after Christmas we took advantage of the snowstorm and hit the sledding really enjoyed it:

You are one adorable crack up of a child. You now break into spontaneous dance, especially when you know you're being watched. You are big on the phrases  'I love you' & 'I miss you' which are pretty heart melting. You have a lot of spunk, commonly telling me and your Dad no to any and all requests. You're still a pretty good eater, with berries, oranges and peas being your favorite. You refer to Daddy's beer as 'Daddy's milk' and you demand kisses from Noah and 'Cayeb', if they don't comply you physically force it on them. You are my little buddy and we do everything together, I love spending time with you.

I love you an insane amount and can't believe how lucky I got to have such a funny and sweet child. Very merry christmas baby girl!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Little Turkey


You had a bit of a rough Thanksgiving. We had to get up early to catch our flight, and you weren't feeling 100%. You did alright on the plane, fortunately you threw a giant fit as everyone was boarding which earned you the privledge of the only empty seat on the plane, you enjoyed being able to spread out and read.

Reading on the plane

 By the time we got to California you were a full out wreck. We played a bit at your Nanna and Grandpa's, and took a little nap, but you were still all out of sorts when it was time to go to Uncle David's for dinner. We decided to walk over there and you fell asleep on the way, you slept through most of the opening festivities, but we woke you up to get you some food when dinner was served. You seemed to like most everything, but especially the sweet potatoes.

We hung out with family for most of the trip. You loved playing with your cousin Henri and your Nanna and Grandpa. You recovered quickly from your illness and were a riot most of the rest of the trip.
watching the train
pushing the boxed baby doll around the store
playing with cousin Henri

Your new favorite word is mon! As in c'mon, followed quickly by you grabbing whatever body part you can reach and pulling.

We got my favorite video of you after a farmer's market in got to the end of the street and were in utter amazement of the cars driving by:

As always, I adore you little sweet pea. You crack me up constantly and have become quite the little parrot. Love you baby doll!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

17 months -The little dictator

Hey there baby boss,

You are officially 17 months old, you should have a doctors appointment next month where we can update your weight/height/etc. Here's your current Raggedy pic:

Like the title insinuates, you are one very bossy baby. You know what oyu want and you do everything you can to ensure you get it. In that pursuit, you've become very good at the word please, though you maybe overuse it :). Here's one of my favorite new videos demonstrating the new baby boss:

You are sort of a nutcase :) You LOVE to be the center of attention, and tend to get your wish by doing bizarre things. Like running around the house with a helmet on or hiding under laundry baskets or making duck faces with Aunt T.


You are an extremely happy kid, though we're getting samples of your tantrums. You're very very good with the word no and mine, and make regular use of them when someone tries to tell you what to do. You adore your siblings and like to mimic whatever they do.

You are extremely talkative, and really, pretty easy to understand. You can communicate most everything you want, and your starting to learn certain characters you like (Elmo, Doc (McStuffins),a and Let it Go (Elsa)).

We went to the aquarium last weekend, you loved all the fish, especially the 'BIG FISH' (sharks). You also liked touching the sting rays, or at least putting your arms all the way in the water.


Here are a couple of my favorite Kaia stories for the moment.

Last night Daddy bumped you with a door that you were standing behind, you looked up at him and very calmly said "Beep beep!".

 You love to pick pictures out of people you know, you saw a picture on the wall of the Broncos cheerleaders and immediately pointed to one and exclamed, "Mommy!"'ve been well taught baby girl :)

You melted the hearts of everyone in a restaurant when you went running as fast as your little legs could carry you to greet your Daddy with a big hug as he walked through the door.

We all adore you sweet girl, the happiest part of my day is coming to get you from school, and much to the annoyance of everyone around me, you're pretty much all I talk about. You are the little love of my life and I can't imagine life without you. We'll post soon after our Thanksgiving adventure, love you!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Baby Vader

Hello there baby vader,

Halloween was a blast! You were dressed up as Baby Darth Vader (per your brothers request- though they then subsequently bailed on their Star Wars themed costumes):

We started the day with your Halloween parade at school. Aunt T and your Dad came by to watch. Ms. Erica carried you since it was a bit overwhelming:

Our friend Rey took the picture above and photoshopped you into a more appropriate environment:

After the parade we went home and got everyone else in costume. Caleb went with a My Little Pony named Rainbow Dash & Noah requested a giant squid that your Dad spent literally all of Halloween Eve making (he went to bed around 5:30 AM), Emma was a yo gabba gabba character:


It was an extremely entertaining Halloween. Aunt T came with us, so you and her got lots of good trick or treating in. You were very happy to pick out your own candy and put it in your bucket, though stopping you at just one could be a challenge. You were very polite and said thank you every time you grabbed a piece. You were extremely possessive of your bucket and clutched it with a baby death grip all night long. 

Here is your very first trick or treat experience:

And some other miscellaneous shots from the night:

After Halloween the weekend was pretty low key. You got a weekend alone with Mommy and Daddy so we lived it up a bit. We went to lunch at Daddy's favorite burger spot (Crave) where you proceeded to put the onions from my salad on your wrists as bracelets. Then you decided you'd wear the boys motocross helmet for the rest of the afternoon while cruising around in your sweet ride. You are a crack up:

We also took some pictures with Grandma, so I'll get those uploaded when I get a chance. You are rocking away with your words and love being in the middle of whatever action you can get into. You're getting a bit feisty and have been known to hit/bite when you're not getting your way. Yelling at you doesn't seem to work as you mostly find that hysterical, but time outs seem to at least get your attention (again, you love being the center of attention, so if we pull you out of that you're less than thrilled). Regardless, you make me smile constantly and I am so very happy and lucky to have you in my life. I adore you sweet pea, happy halloween!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Buggy - the 16 month edition


I think my biggest problem as a parent is that I'm going to give you a massive ego problem. I truly believe you are the greatest baby to ever walk the earth :) I suppose that's how it should be...Here's your 16 month shot:

Your current favorite things include slides, coloring, your family, Elmo, and singing. You have the sweetest little voice, and when you sing you sort of whisper it to yourself. It's exceptionally cute. You are an AMAZING eater, I've never seen anything like it. Last night you ate an entire can of green beans and a packet of tuna fish. We try to keep it healthy and you seem more than content with that arrangement.

You hate being dropped off at daycare still, though you seem to do better if we go look at our family picture on the bulletin board before I go. When I come to pick you up you quite literally drop anything you're doing and come running to me. It's my favorite part of the day, or at least a close second to the cuddles I get at night. You love giving smooches and hugs, and are quickly learning all sorts of new words. You are good at 'hungry' and have been known to grab your bib and stand at the bottom of your high chair repeating it over and over. You're also learning body parts, you're great at nose, tongue and feet...but past that pretty much any other body part we name gets you to point at your ears. You also ADORE books, you get extremely excited whenever we sit down to read one, you even read to Raggedy:

I have a trillion new videos of you (see the links to youtube on the side of the page), I think they're all adorable, but below is one of my favorites. You've been terrified of swings up until this point, but apparently if Noah pushes you it not only become ok, it becomes one of the most fun things you've ever done.

Halloween is coming fast, and you can be sure that there will be a post of your Halloween festivities as soon as I have some pictures. You're getting to an age where you interact with everything around you, so these holidays are much more entertaining than they were a year ago. You also love candy, though you don't always figure out that wrappers need to be removed, especially when you find this candy and help yourself to it. 

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the last few weeks:

I adore you little girl!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Baby crack up

Sweet pea,

You are a crack up. I cannot believe how quickly you are learning these days, it seems like you have a new trick everytime I pick you up from daycare. Recent additions have been answers to 'what day is it', to which you throw your hands in the air and respond 'Friday!' also now throw your hands in the air and say "Why?!" as well as very disapprovingly yell 'Boys!' and "Guys!". You're becoming a very bossy baby these days, but are still very happy and tend to giggle at the response you get to your antics.

Here's a video of many of your lastest additions, I can't explain why you're eating yogurt with a toothbrush...

This month you've been in a wedding, where you spent the majority of your time picking up flowers. You had a blast, especially at the reception where you ran around like a maniac, stopping to dance every once in a while.

We also went bowling, where you spent most of your time in hiding or stumbling around in your brothers bowling shoes:

And we headed up to Boulder for a CU game. You were a champ at the game and sat contently playing with your beads most of the time.


As always, I adore you little bug.

Friday, September 26, 2014

15 months


You had a massive post a couple of days ago, so I'll keep this one short and sweet. Here's your routine monthly photo along with a behind the scenes video of what these photo shoots now entail.

You are a crack up. I adore you sweet pea!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Dancing fool


We're coming up quickly on the 15 month mark, and while I'll try to post then as well, I felt we were long over due for an update.

You are quite the crack up. You love to dance (currently Taylor Swift's 'Shake it Up' is your favorite), and you like to chant 'Buggy..buggy...buggy', which is really Aunt T's fault. You've also added a new handstand move courtesy of your brother. Here are a couple videos of your latest dance antics:

They currently refer to you as "Baby Genius" at school, though we tend to side more with "Baby Boss". You know all of the kids names in your class, and you LOVE to boss them around. Specifically, you like to yell at Anvi.."GET OVER HERE ANVI" is apparently a new favorite phrase. I have yet to hear it first hand, but it's been told to me by multiple teachers. You still will not call your brothers anything, but you squeal with glee every time you see them and usually make them give you a hug.

You are a walking fool, and can go everywhere on foot. Every once in a while you switch back to crawling, but it's definitely become a rareity.

Your favorite words are more, ball, doggy, no, mommy, daddy, bottle, and uh oh. You love berries more than just about anything, and can routinely polish off an entire case on your own. We have no problem getting you to eat most anything, you put your brothers to shame routinely by out eating them on a nightly basis.

You HATE swings, and anything bigger than you usually scares you. You like to go on the slide and to play peek a boo and to ride bikes. You've recently started getting into your dolly as well. The video below is us reading your favorite book "Is that my Dolly", it allows you to use your current favorite phrase (No) many times in a row:

You've learned to do the touchdown sign and are pretty good at only using it for actual Bronco touchdowns (thus the reason I don't have a video of it, I can't get you to do it if there's no touchdown). I do love to dress you up for games and you seem to be tolerating it for the moment.

Overall you are an exceptionally sweet and very busy baby. I truly could not wish for anything better in the world, I adore you sweet pea. Here are some more favorites from the month: