Friday, December 5, 2014

Little Turkey


You had a bit of a rough Thanksgiving. We had to get up early to catch our flight, and you weren't feeling 100%. You did alright on the plane, fortunately you threw a giant fit as everyone was boarding which earned you the privledge of the only empty seat on the plane, you enjoyed being able to spread out and read.

Reading on the plane

 By the time we got to California you were a full out wreck. We played a bit at your Nanna and Grandpa's, and took a little nap, but you were still all out of sorts when it was time to go to Uncle David's for dinner. We decided to walk over there and you fell asleep on the way, you slept through most of the opening festivities, but we woke you up to get you some food when dinner was served. You seemed to like most everything, but especially the sweet potatoes.

We hung out with family for most of the trip. You loved playing with your cousin Henri and your Nanna and Grandpa. You recovered quickly from your illness and were a riot most of the rest of the trip.
watching the train
pushing the boxed baby doll around the store
playing with cousin Henri

Your new favorite word is mon! As in c'mon, followed quickly by you grabbing whatever body part you can reach and pulling.

We got my favorite video of you after a farmer's market in got to the end of the street and were in utter amazement of the cars driving by:

As always, I adore you little sweet pea. You crack me up constantly and have become quite the little parrot. Love you baby doll!

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