You have got to be about done with all of the flying around lately. This time we took off to Claremont to see the Goldman side of the family. As is typical, you were fantastic on the plane and we both got a pretty solid nap on the way. We had a very early flight so we avoided the Thanksgiving madness.
On Thanksgiving we mostly hung out while your Aunt Aurora and Nana cooked a super fantastic meal. We gave you samples of everything, and let you gum a piece of turkey for a bit. You liked everything except the pumpkin pudding, you immediately cried when we gave you that one. You slept through the actual dinner, but woke up in time for desert.
gumming some turkey |
On a sappy note, I cannot begin to tell you how extremely thankful I am for you. As most anyone reading this blog knows, you are what I have wanted my entire life and I could not be more grateful to finally get to be your Mom. Last year I announced your existence on Thanksgiving, so while this has never been my favorite holiday, it's growing on me thanks to you.
We also did your first Hanukkah, it was the first and last time in either of our lifetimes that the first day of Hanukkah will fall on Thanksgiving.
Friday we took it easy, did some Black Friday shopping, and went to visit one of Daddy's friends. You got along well with everyone and are quite the shopping assistant. You worked on your sitting up skills, you're not quite doing it for long on your own, but if we set you up you are managing to pull it off. For dinner we went out for Chinese food which is a fantastic Goldman tradition:
On Saturday we finished your coast to coast tour at Venice Beach. We cruised the boardwalk and went to the ocean. Me and you vegged out on the sand while your Dad, brothers, Uncle David, and cousin Henri played in the water:
Venice beach with the family and cousin Henri |
The next day we went to the Santa Ana Botanic Gardens for a hike. Your brother Caleb "smooched you millions" and you and your Dad explored. You also decided to have one monster blow out in the background of a wedding photo shoot, I think naked babies are adorable in the background, but my guess is you'll get edited out :)
After hiking we decided we'd earned some quality California cuisine:
Before we went home we went to Uncle David's and he helped us make more foot/hand prints out of clay. He's an artist so this is bound to be more successful than our previous attempts. You had a lot of fun with all of your Goldman relatives. You are one very lucky kid, and when you're old enough you can try the Cajun turkey your Aunt Aurora makes. It was fantastic.
In other updates, you continue to be quite the Daddy's girl. You pretty exclusively laugh for your Dad, even when I do the exact same thing that generates giggles for him I get a blank stare like you just don't get how that could possibly be even remotely amusing. I can get you to laugh sometimes, and you are my little buddy, but I think you are probably going to be Daddy's sidekick.
You are getting very closed to solid foods and spend most of your time chewing on anything you can get your hands on. Your favorites are your hands, your giraffe, and hair (there's no accounting for taste). You have spectacular deep blue eyes with a streak of brown across the left one, that should be getting pretty set in the very near future, right now they're gorgeous. Me and you sing "So Happy Together" every night when you go to bed, you usually smile/giggle on the last couple of lines. You're a bit grumpy at night, but otherwise are a happy, easy baby. You now smile at everyone you see, and if you understood all the compliments you get you'd have an even bigger head than you already do (sorry baby, your head is the biggest thing about you). We have a 6 month check up right after Christmas so we'll have new stats then.
As always, I adore you little love, and I will always be so extremely grateful that I finally got to have you in my life.
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