Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Giving Spirit


This morning we had your Kiwanis Baby Shower. You'll make it to a few of these meetings once you get here, you don't know it yet, but you are going to be one very altruistic little girl. You are one extremely lucky kid, most people would be lucky to have even one of the many people we have in our corner, no matter what happens in your life you have a line of people waiting and willing to help you out. I want you to make a point of paying that forward.

With that said, our club held a baby shower this morning where you received a ton of great books, nice cards, and well wishes. We also got the following advice:

  • "Don't buy too many set of clothes as the baby will outgrow them quickly"
  • "Take your kids traveling - don't leave them home with grandparents. You and the kids both benefit form going to places educational and recreational."
  • "Enjoy every moment, they will be moving out before you know it"
  • "Lots of people will tell you to 'enjoy these years' while your baby is young and that is true, but when you are sleep-deprived and stressed out remember that 'this too shall pass'"
  • "Spend time with your child even when she is an adult"
  • "Everyone in the family eat at the same time everyday"
  • "The best gift you can give your child is the knowledge and feeling that she is loved unconditionally"
  • "Take time to be pampered. Get a pedi and a mani when a loved one care for your new beautiful baby"
  • "2 AM Feeding is business! Change diaper using cold wipes, feed, and then back to bed."
  • "Michelangelo 'I saw the angel in the marble & carved until I set it free' Your child is her own person - help her become who she was meant to be. Read aloud every day. A child needs to hear 1,000 books before Kindergarten to be a successful reader."
  • "Bribery works!!"
  • "Take some time for yourself"
  • "Discourage a career in accounting"
  • "Be a parent first - as much as I hated it between the ages of 15-21, that's when I learned the most important lessons (And once I left for college, we got to be friends - finally!)"
  • "Use all your resources to make time for Kelly too"
  • "Enjoy each stage!"

I will do my best to follow those baby girl, you gotta learn early that it's good to take advice from people who've already been there. Having to make all your own mistakes is silly (trust me, you'll make plenty anyway).

Thank you all so much for your support, generosity, advice and books. I can't wait for Kaia to meet you all, she's lucky to have so many fantastic role models.

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