Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The baby shower to end all baby showers


We had your 34 week appointment today (or I guess your -6 week appointment), these are getting so routine I think I could pretty much do them without the doctor. My blood pressure is good, your heart beat is good (it ramped up when you realized we were listening), and we're overall in good shape. You're still small, and even though I've lost my appetite entirely the doctor wants to make sure I keep shoveling the food in, so we'll see what I can do. They're not worried, but we'll see if we can check your size out again at the next ultrasound in 2 weeks. We didn't get much information on inducing, apparently that's a question for the High Risk Obgyn, so I'll ask them in 2 weeks when we see them. It sounds like it's something we'll schedule at our next appointment at either 39 or 40 weeks depending on what the high risk guys say. I'm not totally sure what happens if you decide to naturally make an early appearance, so we'll sort that out at the next appointment as well.

Now for the fun stuff...we had the world's greatest baby shower a couple of days ago. I cannot begin to tell you how lucky a kid you are. You have one extremely large, extremely complex, and extremely loving group of supporters in your corner. I hope you all know how much it meant/continues to mean to me to know that I have that much support and love in our lives, and I really appreciate all of the help with the baby gear. Besides being well outfitted, you are now one very geared up baby girl. Thank you all for coming out, and thank you to the planning/cleaning/organizing crew (Grandmom, Grammy, Aunt T, Aunt Angie, and Aunt Austen) as well as to your Popo who also put in a lot of behind the scenes work.

We didn't play any silly games, just ate some delicious and adorable food and enjoyed eachother's company. It was exactly what I wanted. There were a couple of good surprises that you'll see in your Nursery as soon as you get out here. Merry made some Truffula Trees and we collected Dr. Seuss books with personal messages from all the attendees for your Dr. Seuss themed room. You have quite the extensive book collection baby girl. Your great Grandma (BaBa) also made you a Raggedy Anne Doll, T and I both got the same present when we were born. You also got your first vintage Broncos shirt, can't wait for you to come to the games!

We also have a picture frame signed by everyone with notes to me/you to hang in your room.

It was so great to see everyone, I can't wait for you all to meet Kaia (and for Kaia to meet you). Thanks again to all of you for making it such a special and fantastic party.

39 days baby girl!!


We have a trillion pictures, but here are some of my favorites:

There are many more, feel free to check them out:


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