Friday, October 23, 2015

First haircut


You are just dripping with personality. You are the world's biggest crack up. You LOVE your siblings, you will sit in the car when they're gone, sigh and say...I love my brothers so much. Or your sister. You are happiest when they are home and playing with you. You love to sing, your favorites right now are So Happy Together, Baby Mine, and Wonderwall. You know most of the words to all of them.

We had your first parent teacher conference. You are just where you should be, you know your numbers and colors and are a great communicator. You stand up for yourself. You can routinely be heard in class telling kids to "walk away!" if they're doing something to you that they shouldn't be. You are very much not a morning person, and there was a comment about your choice in clothing not always being appropriate...I'm going to respectfully disagree with that being a problem. I'm all for you picking what you want to wear, so that won't be changing any time soon. You are very motherly and you LOVE to do art.

In other news, you got your first hair cut courtesy of Nana:

Yopu handled it like a rock star and didn't seem phased at all by the process. It's nice to finally be done with the baby mullet.

We went to a pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins, you picked your "little baby pumpkin" and carried it everywhere with you. Daddy thought you might want to bring it to bed with you, but when he gave it to you you exclaimed "Pumpkins don't go in bed Daddy!". Always keeping us guessing.

Here are a few more shots of you from the past few weeks. I adore you sweet pea!

ketchup eater

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