Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wacky Bug

Baby girl,

I cannot believe how entertaining you are. The stories are endless and every night me and your Dad laugh over you latest antics as I reiterate for the millionth time how much I adore you. Here are some of the latest:

We went to a gender reveal party on Saturday where they served hersHEy and herSHEy bars depending on your guess about the baby's gender. I asked if you thought Kynlee was getting a baby brother baby sister and you said baby sister so I gave you a herSHEy bar. The rest of the night you kept telling me how much you wanted a baby sister...finally you elaborated.."I want a baby sister, I want to eat it!". Apparently we've now taught you that a hershey bar is called a baby sister. Could lead to many the awkward moment as you age.

You like to growl in the back of the car, then exclaim "there's a tiger in the car! Watch out Caleb!"

Those are just two of many. You have me cracking up constantly. I hate my commute, but I look forward to it every day because me and you get to chat about rainbows, horses, cars that need baths, and the goats that we sometimes catch a glimpse of on the way home.

You love making people laugh, but you're also fairly shy. It takes you time to warm up to people you don't know. You love animals, playing with your dolls, reading, hot tubs, playing outside and slides. You're still an amazing eater, especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables.

We took you to Elitches, you pretty much only like rides that don't have something big in the center of the ride. You hate most of the baby rides because they're generally attached to some large pole in the center. You do seem to like the roller coasters.

Here are a few pictures from our latest adventures. Your bday is coming fast so we'll have another post after that. You love to tell me that your birthday is coming soon and you'll be 2, so you're all over this one.

wacky pizza eater

Boys kindergarten graduation

upset because you couldn't go on the ride

putting on your own sunscreen

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