Thursday, July 24, 2014



We took a trip to Telluride last weekend, for a 6.5 drive, you did amazingly well. Mostly you slept, but you played occasionally with your brothers and did the aforementioned new dance/song combination you've developed.

Once we got to the hotel we took the gondola down to town to eat, you seemed fairly mesmerized by the trip, after we got back from dinner it was fairly late so we all went to bed.

The hotel itself seemed to provide plenty of amusement for you, you helped yourself to our bag of treats which included a peach that you dug right into:


Popo would be sure to point out that your eating is about as dainty as your Mom's. You also had a lot of breakfast picnics on the floor with your brothers...our room was pretty well covered in cereal by the end of the trip.

The next day we tackled Imogene pass. We got out a bunch of times letting you explore the abandoned buildings and ghost town, you seemed happy with all of it:

 We eventually made it to the top, and while I got a very impressive picture to prove it:

You were completely and totally out for the count:

 You and your brothers then proceeded to sleep throuhg and extremely turbulent ride down the mountain to Ouray, I still am not sure how the logisitcs of that worked, but your little quiet bouncing heads were all we could see for the second half of our ride.

In Ouray we had dinner and went to the Gold Mine:

Our guide may not be at the top of his game and could have potentially been under the influence of certain beverages that you will not be having for a very long time. It made for an amusing and confusing tour. 

The next day we hung out at the pool, they had a spectacular waterslide that was far too terrifying for you, but also a nice kiddie pool that you could cruise around in:

We spent our evening exploring Telluride mountain and doing some bouldering (which you then insisted on doing on your own):

It was a short trip, so the next day we headed back home. We made a stop at a local park and Glennwood canyon to try and break the trip up a bit. You love throwing rocks into rivers, so you had a good time:

And that was your first trip to Telluride. You are still the happiest sweetest baby on the planet, and you cracked everyone up on numerous occasions with your dance routine. I'll do a new post tomorrow for your 13 month make to go over more of your milestones and such. I adore you sweet pea! Here is the link to the embarrassingly large album of pictures Telluride Album , you are nothing if not well documented :) Love you!!

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