Baby bug,
I finally got your April photobook done, just two more to go and we'll have the complete 'Kaia the anthology' under wraps :). I'll probably slow it waaaaaay down next year, doing these every month is both time and financially consuming.
This, as always, has been an exceptionally busy month. We've hit Elitches already, and you got to do some rides, though I'm not sure how thrilling you found them. You are rocking your two teeth like a champ, which makes your mouth a very dangerous weapon. Fortunately, you haven't quite figured that out yet, but if you're anything like your aunt it's coming soon enough.
Both me and you got very sick to start this month off, not entirely sure what it was, but we seem to have weathered it (it's now making the rounds through the rest of the family). Your new favorite thing is to clap. You love celebrating (that's my girl!), and like to clap as much as you can. You're also working on high fives, mostly you just like them because we celebrate (and yes...clap) whenever you do one. We'll work on getting a video.
You figured out that your crib doesn't have to just be a place to sleep, and now bedtime includes quite a bit of playing:
For the most part, you are an exceptionally good bed time baby. You usually are asleep within minutes of being laid down, usually without a peep. We have a tradition of going to see what weird sleep position you've gotten yourself into once you're out (me, your Dad and your brothers like to sneak into your room nightly to check you out). Your current favorite is to move into as tight a corner you can fit, sometimes with limbs hanging out of the crib.
We all adore you little sweets. You are the happiest, goofiest, sweetest baby on the planet and none of us can imagine our life without you. Love you lots!!
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