Little love,
We wrapped up your birthday week with another pool party at Derda Rec Center in Broomfield. You had a lot of fun playing with everyone and pigging out on more cake. You got all sort of fun things, thank everyone for making it such a special day! Here are a few of the massive amount of pictures we took, the rest can be found at the same link I previously posted:
We got a new peek-a-boo bear, some new books, and a bunch of new bath toys. You loved playing in the water, and were very content to be carried around the entire party. You've started standing periodically on your home (see picture above) so I think we're going ot have a walker in the very near future.
The rest of the weekend we spent outdoors, playing on some of your bday presents and going to Heritage Square to use one your brothers' birthday presents. You had fun, but you couldn't do much (the ground was rocky and since you insisted on eating rocks every time I set you down you spent most of the time being held). We did get to go on the train which you really liked.
Noah has now decided he loves pushing you around (in
bikes, cars, strollers, etc). So we've had to keep a close eye on you as
you now wander without warning.
You also now put things on your head and crawl around like a maniac:
Today we had your one year check up. We did it first thing in the morning, which is apparently not a good plan for you. You screamed the entire appointment. You got 5 shots, but since you were so upset by everything else there wasn't much of a change in your demeanor as a result of them. You were a very tired baby, so you fell asleep right after your shots and stayed asleep when I carried you into day care. You are doing fantastically well (as usual) you weigh 18lbs 15oz, which is about 3 times what you were at this point last year. That puts your in the 36th percentile, so you're making significant progress (not shocking given the way you eat), you're 2'4 which is about the 11th percentile. Unfortunately, I think you're just going to be a mini in this respect. You're in about the 60th percentile for height/weight ratio, so we're doing well with the eating. That's about all she had to say, you were high fiving and playing peek-a-boo with the doctor, so she was pretty pleased with your development.
Tomorrow we're flying to Pennsylvania to see your Daddy's Aunt, it's a 3 hour flight with what has now become a very busy baby, so I'm a bit nervous to see how this goes. Unlike your brothers, you're not so content to sit and play with an ipad. We'll have to see what we can do. I'm sure there will be a good 4th of July post to come.
I adore you sweet pea!