Monday, June 30, 2014

End of Bday Week

Little love,

We wrapped up your birthday week with another pool party at Derda Rec Center in Broomfield. You had a lot of fun playing with everyone and pigging out on more cake. You got all sort of fun things, thank everyone for making it such a special day! Here are a few of the massive amount of pictures we took, the rest can be found at the same link I previously posted:


We got a new peek-a-boo bear, some new books, and a bunch of new bath toys. You loved playing in the water, and were very content to be carried around the entire party. You've started standing periodically on your home (see picture above) so I think we're going ot have a walker in the very near future.

The rest of the weekend we spent outdoors, playing on some of your bday presents and going to Heritage Square to use one your brothers' birthday presents. You had fun, but you couldn't do much (the ground was rocky and since you insisted on eating rocks every time I set you down you spent most of the time being held). We did get to go on the train which you really liked.  

Noah has now decided he loves pushing you around (in bikes, cars, strollers, etc). So we've had to keep a close eye on you as you now wander without warning.

You also now put things on your head and crawl around like a maniac:

You are one weird baby.

Today we had your one year check up. We did it first thing in the morning, which is apparently not a good plan for you. You screamed the entire appointment. You got 5 shots, but since you were so upset by everything else there wasn't much of a change in your demeanor as a result of them. You were a very tired baby, so you fell asleep right after your shots and stayed asleep when I carried you into day care. You are doing fantastically well (as usual) you weigh 18lbs 15oz, which is about 3 times what you were at this point last year. That puts your in the 36th percentile, so you're making significant progress (not shocking given the way you eat), you're 2'4 which is about the 11th percentile. Unfortunately, I think you're just going to be a mini in this respect. You're in about the 60th percentile for height/weight ratio, so we're doing well with the eating. That's about all she had to say, you were high fiving and playing peek-a-boo with the doctor, so she was pretty pleased with your development.

Tomorrow we're flying to Pennsylvania to see your Daddy's Aunt, it's a 3 hour flight with what has now become a very busy baby, so I'm a bit nervous to see how this goes. Unlike your brothers, you're not so content to sit and play with an ipad. We'll have to see what we can do. I'm sure there will be a good 4th of July post to come.

I adore you sweet pea!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

She's 1!!!

Little love,

As cliche a this is...I cannot believe you are one. This year flew by (I suppose that's why everyone said it would). It was without a doubt the best year of my life, not that there haven't been struggles, but having you around made everything worth it. I wouldn't change a single thing I've done because it could change who you are and I LOVE who you are.

The night before your birthday I took a final picture of my 11 month old:

And the next morning I got a shot of my 1 year old:


Here's your 12 month progression:

For your birthday we had multiple parties (one is yet to come, pictures to be posted when we get there). The first was at Aunt T's pool, it was fun, even though the weather didn't cooperate entirely. You got some fantastic presents and your friends/family came out to support you. You didn't totally smash your cake, but you did dig your feet in and make a total mess. You don't totally understand the candle concept, you tried to put it out with your fingers, but your brother was there to help.

There are several good videos on you tube from this party, here's your first birthday song:

Here's a link to the rest of your pictures:

On your official birthday I woke up at 2:23 and came and wished you a happy first birthday. Then went back to bed. Your brothers came in first thing in the morning to see if you grew. Apparently you did. We then hung out around the house with Daddy and took a nap before our big day. Daddy got you a box of your favorite candy's (wafer rattles) which you love to chew on. When you woke up we went and saw Baba:

Baba and Uncle Tom gave you gift cards which we used on a Babies R US run later in the day. We let you pick out your presents, you seem to have a new fascination with stuffed animals as you'd take anything we handed you and you'd cuddle it. You endued up with a very soft new frog blanket (it got decided as soon as you proceeded to chew on him.  We got also got you some new clothes, books, shoes, and other necessities. You loved it.

For lunch we went to Gunther Toody's, you didn't eat a whole lot, but you did love your hat and the sweet potato fries.


After lunch Aunt T and I took you to monkey bizness. This is where me and your Daddy met. You got to climb around and go down the slides. Now that you've decided to go down slides on your stomach you've decided you like them. 

We took a walk after Monkey Bizness and you FINALLY fell asleep. You had a very busy day. When you woke up we wrapped up your birthday at Saucy Noodle. You were in rare form, hi fiving, playing peek-a-boo, chatting, waving, etc. Apparently you were in an extremely happy mood. You had a fever at the time so it was all the more impressive. You are one fantastic baby.

I hope you know how much you are loved sweet pea. We had a fantastic first birthday and can't wait for the grand finale party this Sunday. I love you more than words little bug. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Daddy's Girl

Little bug,

I adore you, and you adore me, but I have to are quite the Daddy's girl. Whenever you see your Dad you smile and hide your face as if the happiness you're experiencing is just too much to handle. It may be that Daddy buys you cool toys:


Or that he loves to snuggle buggle you, but regardless of the reason, you adore him. We spent your first Father's Day hiking with your siblings and then picking some new fruits/veggies for our garden. You're working on your walking so we gave you plenty of practice on our hike. You're not quite there, you like to stand on your own, but you're not feeling ready to incorporate any steps into your routine. We're also working on  switching you to milk instead of formula, so far that's been a non-starter. I'm not a milk fan either, so I understand the hesitation, though I will win this battle :)

We've started a nightly routine of checking in on you while you sleep to see what bizarre position you've gotten yourself into, here are the last few nights:

We had quite the epic straw battle at dinner the other night. You love straws, even though you're not quite sure how to use them. You kept stealing your sister's straw, much to her dismay, here's what we got on tape:

 And finally, I just love this photo so it needs to be included in this post:

Your birthday is fast approaching, and in typical Watson fashion, we have several parties planned. There will be an update to come soon, I adore you sweet pea!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

April update

Baby bug,

I finally got your April photobook done, just two more to go and we'll have the complete 'Kaia the anthology' under wraps :). I'll probably slow it waaaaaay down next year, doing these every month is both time and financially consuming.

 This, as always, has been an exceptionally busy month.  We've hit Elitches already, and you got to do some rides, though I'm not sure how thrilling you found them. You are rocking your two teeth like a champ, which makes your mouth a very dangerous weapon. Fortunately, you haven't quite figured that out yet, but if you're anything like your aunt it's coming soon enough.

Both me and you got very sick to start this month off, not entirely sure what it was, but we seem to have weathered it (it's now making the rounds through the rest of the family). Your new favorite thing is to clap. You love celebrating (that's my girl!), and like to clap as much as you can. You're also working on high fives, mostly you just like them because we celebrate (and yes...clap) whenever you do one. We'll work on getting a video.

You figured out that your crib doesn't have to just be a place to sleep, and now bedtime includes quite a bit of playing:

For the most part, you are an exceptionally good bed time baby. You usually are asleep within minutes of being laid down, usually without a peep. We have a tradition of going to see what weird sleep position you've gotten yourself into once you're out (me, your Dad and your brothers like to sneak into your room nightly to check you out). Your current favorite is to move into as tight a corner you can fit, sometimes with limbs hanging out of the crib.

We all adore you little sweets. You are the happiest, goofiest, sweetest baby on the planet and none of us can imagine our life without you. Love you lots!!