You were such a champ on this trip. Not many 4 month olds can handle a full week of all of the constant action required on a trip to the kid version of las vegas. You were a star on the flight, even though we got stuck in a middle seat. You did need your Dad to carry you around for a little bit and let you check everything out, but otherwise you did great.
We started our trip at Kennedy Space Center for the Maven launch, you make a spectacular astronaut. Though when the actually launch took place you had some rumblings of your own to contribute. Daddy got us VIP passes so we watched from Banana Creek. After the launch we spent some time at the Angry Bird Attraction which was predictably your brothers favorite. There was plenty for you watch there, so even if you couldn't participate you were entertained.
The next day we went to the beach for your first viewing of the ocean. We got your first time in the water on tape, which has been added to youtube. It was cold at first, but warmed up enough for some sun bathing.
Your Daddy thought he was funny and buried you in the sand. I was not thrilled since you decided to immediately start feeding yourself fist fulls of sand, but you seemed to like it and since the sand didn't seem to hurt you I think we're ok.
The next day we headed to Orlando for our Disney World Adventure. It wasn't really warm enough for you to hit the pool, but you were amused by all of activity. You did get some time in the hot tub which you seemed to be happy with.
That night we got to meet SpongeBob, you weren't quite as excited as caleb, but I think you still enjoyed it.
We went to bed early so we could get to Disney World when it opened. We gave you the map to pick our first attraction, though you seemed more intent on eating the map than reading it.
In typical Kaia fashion you started the day of adventure fast asleep.
And you stayed that way for most of the rides....
You got to do just about everything. You only threw fits on the Buzz Lightyear and Rocket ship rides (I think you were all space-d out from our time at Kennedy), otherwise you seemed pretty happy with everything we went on. The people mover seemed to be your favorite and you fell fast asleep (allowing us to ride it without getting off for a few rounds).
It rained in the afternoon, and while you got damp, you stayed pretty happy. Overall you did fantastically well for such a long adventurous day. The next day we headed home, we got a better seat on the flight and you and I got to take a long much needed nap.
Well done baby girl! You knocked out your first trip to the east coast, first trip to the ocean, and first trip to Disney World like a true rockstar. Right now you're fussing at Popo so I'm gonna have to cut this short. You're 5 months old tomorrow and we have a trip to CA and Thanksgiving this week so I'll be updating more in the very near future. I love you an absurd amount my little bug!
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