Hey there little weirdo,
Last night you decided to disrobe yourself in your sleep, when I woke up you were laying around in your diaper smiling like crazy. You are one weird little baby. Apparently you've learned how to undo buttons in your sleep. You continue to be the world's easiest baby, it is a common occurrence to walk in to check on you during a nap and have you be wide awake, content as can be, just observing everything around you. This is a pretty common expression for you:
Thanks Popo and Grammy for the hat! You are always wide eyed and calm. You've started cooing and you are getting very close to a laugh, but we're not there yet. It's getting cold so we've tried a few different methods of keeping you warm, from bundling:
To sitting by the fire:
But you always seem to have cold hands, sadly I think that's your genetic fate.
Right now your favorite activities include chewing on shoulders:
And watching football:
You are completely mesmerized by football on TV, you and Daddy like to chill out and watch the games together:
You are also the world's fastest drinker (also a genetic quality), we usually need to pace you when we give you a bottle as you will drink whatever you can and spit up whatever you didn't need (we have multiple relatives willing to attest to the volume of your overdrinking). You love being sung to, we're sticking largely with "You're just too good to be true" and "Skinna-marinkey-dinky dink", though we've been known to mix it up on occasion. Noah's a big fan of yours and likes to include you in everything. He's pretty sure you're the world's hungriest baby since you're always eating, but is ok with that as long as you'll grow up soon so he can play with you.
Just in case I've given the impression that you are always a happy baby:
You have your moments, and while your cry is not high pitched, it's painful in a gut wrenching sort of way. When you are upset you are VERY upset and you want to make sure we all know it.
Well that's about it, nothing super noteworthy going on in our world at the moment. We're going to Florida and California in November and you hit the 4 month mark in 10 days. We'll keep the updates coming! I absolutely adore you sweet pea.
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