We successfully completed our first trip on an airplane, and you did mostly great. Traveling with a newborn is an experience, but traveling with a newborn as an unmarried woman brings out the best in people. I had help every step of the way, people to help lift the stroller up and down from the bus, people to help me dismantle the stroller for the xray machine, and most amazingly (and appreciated) an exceptionally nice woman who insisted on buying my dinner. I didn't get her name, but I've never been the recipient of a random act of kindness, it was a great start.
You put on quite the terrifying show in the terminal, you screamed like a banshee and had everyone in the area praying that we didn't end up anywhere near them on the plane. Fortunately, once we got on the plane you calmed down and fell asleep. You slept on departure and arrival so the fear of your ears hurting was unfounded. You loved looking out the window which kept you quiet for the brief stint that you were awake.
When we got to Cali, Daddy and your brothers were waiting for us. It was late so we went home, met your grandparents, and went to bed.
The rest of the trip was a series of checking out Claremont, eating good food, and hanging out at the house. Your cousin Henri was there, and we spent a lot of time in the pool/hot tub. You are sort of a bed hog and kept worming your way into the center of the bed, I nearly fell off the edge on multiple occasions, I can only imagine this will get rougher as you continue to grow.
By all accounts you are one of the calmest/sweetest babies on the planet. You were almost always in good spirits, and got to meet lots of new family (Uncle David, Aunt Aurora, Nanna, Grandpa Larry, cousin Henri, Cousin Tammy, and your Great Aunt).
We had fantastic home cooked meals from your Nanna, and spent a lot of time chatting (you're quite the babbler these days). At the end of the trip we packed up and headed home.
Your brothers are much louder to travel with, but we managed and you pulled your travel routine (scream like crazy until we get on the plane, then fell asleep). Overall, it was a great trip. As always, I adore you sweetheart, and as you're currently babbling up a storm I'm gonna call this post a wrap and come to talk with you. Love you lots!