Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Baby Friend

Baby girl,

You're a little over 2 weeks now, and I'm starting to learn some things about you. You are an excellent cuddler, you eat more than any person (big or small) that I've ever met, you hate being naked, you are a pretty solid sleeper, and you have a strong desire to get moving as soon as possible. You've started to abandon the shark method of eating, now you're more guppy like and you sort of just suck on whatever you're near until you get what you want. You like to marathon eat, you'll eat for 10 minutes, take a 10 minute break, and then go back at it...feedings tend to be a bit tedious with you. Aunt T and I think you're a bit of a milk connoisseur (you like to sample, we believe you prefer "milk forward" milk, as opposed to the more dry or robust varieties). When you are finally finished you fall into a food coma:

Classic Kaia food coma

You're still very squeaky and make all sorts of bizarre noises. You like to make lots of faces, your new favorite is very Zoolander-esque. 

The many faces of Kaia:

You're a great sleeper for a newborn, we usually get solid 3-4 hour chunks of sleep, I'm still working at getting your long day time naps converted to long nighttime naps, but really I can't complain. We've gotten lots of sleep.

You celebrated your first 4th of July, we actually did fireworks on both the 3rd and the 4th, you slept through both (I'm still slightly concerned about your hearing, but I'll wait a few more weeks before I let that develop into a doctor worthy fear - you did pass your hearing test after all).

The family at Wash Park pre-fireworks show. 

We had your two week appointment on Tuesday, and you're doing great! You're now 6lbs 6.5 oz, and you've grown an inch in length. Since they wanted you to be at your birth weight by now (6lbs 2oz), you're already exceeding expectations. The doctor was impressed that you could lift your head up already (credit Taryn and her obsession for getting you into a tummy time training routine), and even though you screamed the entire appointment, they seemed to be pretty happy with you. You're still a tiny one, you're only in the 9th percentile for weight, but you're gaining quickly so we expect that to continue to increase. Height wise you're not too bad, you're in the 34th percentile, and since your parents aren't that tall that's probably going to be pretty standard for you.

You've been a very active newborn. We've done a couple of hikes and you've been out to dinner and the Cherry Creek Arts Festival. You love hikes, it seems to be one of your favorite ways to fall asleep. You still have some family to meet (you have a VERY big family), but you've met a big chunk of them now.

You're getting more alert everyday, I'm having way too much fun just staring at you, I can't imagine how much fun this will be once you start doing something besides the eat, poop, sleep routine. Love you lots little bug!

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