Friday, June 7, 2013

The Big Day...maybe


We met with Dr. Stallworth yesterday (with any luck he'll be delivering you) for what is going to be a very short lived series of weekly appointments. You were being a bit of a pain about letting them listen for your heart beat, I'm not sure where you were or what you were doing, but we could barely hear it. They didn't seem concerned, apparently they could hear it well enough to know you were fine and you're still constantly in motion, but I wasn't a fan. Keep it up kid and you'll find yourself in timeout over by my kidney. Anyway, as seems to be the common comment, you're on the small side of normal but appear to be perfectly healthy.

In more exciting news...we picked the date we're going to induce. This is not a 100% guarantee that we'll induce that day, I have to be showing signs of being close anyway, but assuming it all goes according to plan your birthday will be June 24th. Right now I have a bit of a head start, I'm already 1 cm dilated, which I'm loving. Getting through labor without being in labor seems like a perfect way to do this whole ordeal. Hopefully it keeps up and I can be halfway there without ever feeling any of it :). If the 24th doesn't work out, it'll likely be the next Monday (July 1st). Apparently they don't want me going past my due date on these blood thinners, so we'll have you in the very near future one way or the other. There's also the possibility that in typical Watson fashion you will scrap this whole being told when to be born business and come earlier than that by your own accord. You have a few dates to avoid (which I'm not sharing with you in case you feel the need to be a giant pain and make your appearance on one of those dates just to be spiteful), but otherwise if you're feeling fully cooked I'd be happy to have you earlier.

We still need to get your nursery together, next Wednesday is the day we can start working on that, so we'll scramble to get it in order before you get here. Fortunately, you do have a cradle (thanks to some negotiating skills by your Dad), so if you make an unexpected appearance we have somewhere for you to sleep.

It's coming extremely quickly now baby. If it all goes according to plan I have 3 more weekends before you become my permanent weekend plan. I can't wait!

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