Friday, January 20, 2017

Busy Mom Update

It's odd to be nostalgic for a time you're currently living in. I can already tell that as tired as I am and that even though I look forward to the day ending so that I can go bed every day, I'm going to be looking back on this time as one of the greatest of my life and wishing I could do it all over again.

I am crazy busy, but want to make sure you know that I adore every second I'm with you guys.

Ari, you started daycare on 1/4 and are doing great. They refer to you as the "Cute One". You are insanely mellow and only cry when you're hungry. Or when your sister "accidentally" pokes you. You love to cuddle and to watch things. People are always commenting on how alert you are. You are a smiley guy and like to coo. You love the steam shower, it instantly calms you down if you're upset. Your a big pacifier fan so we always have tons around for you. I love you SO much it's crazy. Here are some recent pictures:

Kaia bear, you are a crack up. You do not lack personality or confidence and I adore that about you. You are currently doing basketball, dance, and soccer. You LOVE being the center of attention, especially with a crowd. You are my little sidekick and hate being far away from me. At your basketball performance you threw a fit for the first half, then the crowd cheered and you instantly turned it around and got into it. You have you own very unique fashion theories, and currently won't wear anything but dresses. You have gotten over your leg warmer phase because "they make your legs look weird". You are also EXTREMELY compassionate and love your siblings. For Christmas you wrote a letter for Santa and asked for toys for your siblings. Here are a few of my favorite videos/pics of you, there are more on youtube.

I love you little guys!