Thursday, December 1, 2016

My one month old


I apologize for allowing you to fall into the second child trap. Life is much busier these days than it was when your sister came along. Rest assured, I am loving every moment of being with you. You are such a mellow child, which you'd have to be to survive your sister. You look perpetually terrified, but again, I think I would be too if Kaia were in my face every free chance she got. You love to move. Your Nana came to stay with us for a couple weeks and she was in love with the way you like to stand up when you're on her lap. You love playing upside down baby and standing up (with assistance) to look around. You don't HATE tummy time, though I wouldn't say it's your favorite. You seem to want to roll over more than you want to lift your head. You're a great sleeper and eater and an all around good baby. You have a bit of a cold and pink eye, so I'm not sure you've felt 100% for a while. I'm impressed at how happy you've still been. You haven't started smiling yet, but you're getting close. We've seen flashes of smiles, though it's never been for any good reason yet. Your brother and I are trying to ensure our names gets out of your mouth first. I vote for team Mama (but I guess team Noah is pretty cute as well). You are an extremely cuddly child, you refuse to sleep in your own bed for any length of time and I love cuddling too much with you to turn you away. We're going to see Santa on the Polar Express this weekend. It should be a blast. I adore you baby boy!!

Here are some favorites from your first month:

1 month photo- 8 lbs 11oz

2 week photo

Halloween Costume