Little bug,
It's been entirely too long since the last update. It was the world's worst tax season and I'm just now sort of starting to unbury. You hung in there well. Here is a very brief rundown of what's been going on since January.
We switched schools, twice. You weren't happy at Lawton and we decided it was best to move you, but made the unfortunate choice on your first move. They weren't treating you well and were annoyed that you were still have accidents. When they refused to change you and made you sit in your own mess, we pulled you immediately and found a new school. You are now at Ohana (and didn't have a single accident after moving) and are extremely happy. You call it "Butterfly School" because of the shape of the roof. You have a lot of teachers there that used to be at Lawton. You also have best friend, Bethany. You too are inseparable at school. You told me the other day "Bethany is pretty cute, but she's too small to climb on the roof". Not sure where you were going with that, but it made me laugh.
You are the same old Kaia. Very happy, VERY bossy, and absolutely in love with your siblings. You love all princesses, baby dolls, painting, and the letter K (which you point out every time you see it). Your school thinks you are going to be an engineer because of how well you build and do puzzles. You are extremely verbal (always have been) and very small, so you crack people up constantly with the words coming out of your mouth. You love the color pink, sushi, blueberries, peas, and broccoli.
We've had a few trips since January. You went to California with Daddy and Emma and had a blast with your Cousin Henri. We also just got back from Vegas. You loved the Castle Hotel (Excalibur) and hanging at the pool.
We've had a long stint of "Where will Kaia sleep?". You decided you must have "choices" in going to bed. Your favorites are the bath tub, the guest room, and under a laundry basket. Though you've started to mix in some nights of sleeping in your own bed recently.
Here are a ton of pictures. There are also some great videos on your youtube. Love you sweet girl!!