Saturday, July 25, 2015

July catch up

Little bug,

Sorry for the lack of posts. Between planning the wedding and a total lack of slow down at work I haven't had a whole lot of time to keep up. Don't you worry though, there has been no lack of pictures.

To are sill a total crack up. You love to sing/dance and take care of your babies. You eat like a champ, though some of your favorites worry me (oranges dipped in beer are always a hit). You love to "dip dip" anything you can and can power through a water melon like a maniac. You are exceptionally stubborn, and don't handle getting upset very well. Last week you held your breath until you passed out. I'm hoping it's a one time thing.

So here's my catch up...

Fourth of July - You were awake this year for the festivities which has never happened. We went to the Outlaws game at Mile High with Aunt Teen and Tyler. You were extremely nervous about them at first, but warmed up as they kept going. You liked the fountains best, but overall your assessment was that they were "too loud".

The other big missing piece is our NY trip. We went on a trip to the East Coast .We went to DC first and saw where Daddy grew up:

The next day we drove to NYC and went to Central Park:

We spent most of our day there, grabbed a quick dinner and swung by Times Square. Times Square had a zillion characters in costume. You were beside yourself when you saw Elmo, Mickey Mouse, "Happy" the minion, Mario & Luigi. You giggled manically when you saw them wandering around. After that we headed back to the hotel. We all shared one room and you were a disaster to try and get to bed. Eventually you all did fall asleep.
The next day we took the Subway to Battery Park and went to the Statue of Liberty, or as you liked to call it "the castle of little me".  You slept the entire way there despite the exceptionally loud subway train in the background. We waited in a line and we took a boat out there and got to climb up to the Pedestal. You weren't a huge fan, but did like discussing what she was wearing "a dress and hat" and the book she was carrying. We also went to the WTC memorial and the top of One World Trade Center. We also swung by the Nintendo Store which the boys were obsessed with, but you were pretty amused as well .



That was the end of NYC, the next day we got in the car and headed up to Connecticut. On the way we stopped at Grandpa Yay Yay (Larry)'s old house in Brooklyn and played on a playground around the corner.

Connecticut was great, we never got back in the car and instead took Richard's boat everywhere we went. We went to restaurants, ice cream, and did a lot of exploring the islands around the sound. You loved throwing stick and rocks in the water, and always fell asleep when we got the boat going. You also got to see a shark and a lobster, which you "didn't love".

Overall it was a fantastic trip. Some day I will get the pictures off of Daddy's phone and I can beef up the pictures, but for now this will do it. I adore you sweet pea, I can't get enough of you.