Friday, February 27, 2015

The monster emerges

Oh my goodness little girl, you had me scared there. Last week you got super sick (throwing up, fever, exhaustion..the works), you recovered fine, but I was semi convinced that you may have skipped the flu and been bitten by a radioactive spider who transformed you into a 'monster baby'. Following your illness you were a terror. I'm fairly certain you said nothing buy variations of 'No' for 3 days straight. "Noooo mommy!!" "NOOOO!". Not particularly about anything, you'd just sit in a corner, by your self, screaming no. I wasn't sure how I'd handle this if this was going to be your terrible twos. All the way to work in the car I'd hear a little voice is the back seat "noooo mommy!, no! no!". At one point you picked a fight with a paper towel roll..thrashing back and forth on the ground, screaming at it as it kept rolling back at you. It was rough.

Fortunately, you seem to be over it that phase already. Which is good, I wasn't sure what we were going to do with you. You've been in high spirits ever since. You LOVE your teacher (Miss Erica) and yell "Yay Erica!" every time we pull up to your school. You're also doing this thing called jump bunch at school where you play with different athletic related things, you LOVE it. Here's a's super long, but the end is worth watching. You are so proud of yourself and are usually beaming as you do different moves:

You're also working on counting. Though you mostly do "1...2...5...1..." and then either "Jump bunch!" or "Friday!". I love the sentiment even if the counting is suspect.

You adore your siblings and are always ecstatic to see them when they get home. Alright, I'm buried in work so here's some recent pics before I get back to it. I adore you sweet pea!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Love of my life

Hey baby bug,

You are continuing your trend as a total crack up. You routinely break into dance on your own, or babble incoherently to anyone within earshot. We've been up to a lot lately. Here's the run down:

On Valentine's Day we got a few little gifts before Daddy cooked dinner for Mommy. You wore your Valentine's Day finest for the occassion:

The rest of the day we went Wedding Dress shopping and played at the Park with Aunt T. You were a trooper and liked to tell me how preeeeetttty I looked. Last week when I put on the first dress you exclamed "Elsa!" which I take as a compliment of the highest order. Then you demanded it was your turn.

You continue to be the world's wackiest sleeper, I go into your room every night to make sure all arms and legs are inside the bed. 

You also got all dolled up for your Valentine's Day party at school, though the morning picture was a bit rough (you are not even sort of a morning person). 

I've been letting you have more input on dressing yourself..below is the outcome: 

You also insist on wearing Emma's rainboots just about everywhere. They're too big for you so it makes it a challenge for you to move around a whole lot. 

For the Superbowl you put on your own half time show when you saw all the pretty dancers, I of course caught it after your impromptu dance so there's far more mommy prodding than necessary :):

We also went to see Disney Jr. at the Bellco Theater, it was your first play. You loved it, or at least you loved the Mickey and Sofia (fia!) parts, you danced and yelled for your favorites when they came on stage. The pirate part wasn't really your favorite. 

Otherwise we've been hanging out, working, spending times with grandparents, and living it up in general. You are turning into such a little toddler and have an opinion on just about everything.  You saved up all your teething for now, so you've got a whole mouth of teeth coming in at once. You are very bossy and like to yell at anyone and anything that doesn't give you what you want (including blankets, tables, and chairs). You are really into signing at the moment, you especially like ABC and "row row", with "Patty cake" thrown in to mix it up. We're finally getting over your frozen stage, you like  Mickey, Fia (sofia the first), and Elmo the best right now. You love baby dolls and my little pony, and occasionally a good truck. Mostly, you LOVE to read.

As always, I adore you sweet pea. Happy Valentine's Day sweet girl. MWAH!

And also...Happy Birthday Baba, we love you!