You continue to be quite the crack up. But this post specifically is about your days with Daddy in the mountains. Mommy had to work, so Daddy came up to hang out with you. You guys were living the dream. You went to breakfast together (Daddy said you were excellent company) and all the people at the restaurant were in awe at how well behaved you are...and how much you can eat. You also went to the science museum, watched some Frozen, and hung out in the Hot Tub. Here are some pics:
You love your monkey, you like to make him jump on things so that you can tell him 'No Monkey, No!' It's from your favorite song about monkeys jumping on the bed. Nothing else super noteworthy, you're finally getting some more teeth so I can stop worrying that you've got all you're getting. You are impossible to try to sleep with, you got upset the other night so I tried to let you sleep with me...you proceed to lie directly on my head...though you'd readjust about every 30 seconds. Then you'd get really quiet and I'd think you'd finally fallen asleep, only to hear 'No blankey! No!'..you like to lecture anything that isn't doing what you'd like.
You are in love with your teacher, Miss Erica, at school..so that's made dropping you off much easier. In general you are a very bossy, spunky, and well loved child. I can't believe how lucky I got having you. Here are a few more random pictures from this month:
I adore you baby girl!!