Little monster,
Sweet pea, I don't know what to do with you. I adore you and you just drip of personality. You routinely put together the most absurdly questionable outfits I've ever seen, the more absurd, the more you love it. Mismatched socks, jammies over jeans, anything animal print...all your style. That said, getting you dressed in the morning is an all out war. You very rarely allow me to touch you hair, so most of the time you look like a wild child.
Outfit by Kaia |
You have been a morning person and the routine continues. We typically go to King Soopers on our way to school to get you some yogurt, it makes it far easier to leave you at school. You're ok with me leaving as long as you can shut the door on me when we leave. You HATE getting yelled at, or told that you're doing something you shouldn't. You immediately break into a pout which turns into quite the sob until you get distracted by something else. You don't really have anything specific "lovey", but do like your star blanket quite a bit. You sort of alternate which of your stuffed animals is your favorite. You're very independent and love to get your own water and silverware.
Our nighttime routine is a challenge. You just got your first big girl bed, but it's allowed you more freedom than has been good for us. You have a long list of things you like to take care of before going to sleep...putting babies to bed, moving stuffed animals around the room, getting and putting back every book you own. It never ends. You'll allow me to leave your room if I have someone to yell at (boys to get in bed, dogs to stop barking, etc.).
You are EXTREMELY bossy and you love to tell your siblings what they're supposed to be doing. You love your siblings a lot. You and your sister are pretty inseparable and love to play babies. You also mimic all things your brothers do and they are very protective of you.
I missed a couple holiday updates. You did well with Halloween, you got into the routine of candy very quickly. Your brothers had a Mario kart, that you immediately took ownership of and required them to chauffeur you from door to door for the entire night You were Sofia, which is by far your favorite character at the moment. Daddy decided Halloween was going to be the day we switched you out of diapers and you immediately had two accidents, we've gotten better, but it's still kind of hit or miss. You're better at school than you are at home.
Your Halloween ride
For Thanksgiving, you were in high spirits. You loved your turkey and were thankful for the color pink.
You like to play with your dolls and dollhouses, and your friends/family. You love broccoli, green beans, peas, tomatoes, and gushers. You are a good eater in general, so it's never something we'd have to worry about. You love to read, and are pretty good at picking out E's for Emma and K's for Kaia. You end most of your sentences with 'but.." especially when you're upset. Your new favorite phrase is "not exactly". For example.."Kaia, you ready for bed?", "not exactly...". You are very much my little side kick and you're good at cheering me up when I'm down.
Daddy's been updating pictures, but here are a few others that I particularly like:
school picture |
beating up the Harry Hodgkins piñata at Mommy's 10 year cancerverssary. |
playing at the land |
Your reaction to being told this was an inappropriate outfit for 20 degree weather. |