You are officially 17 months old, you should have a doctors appointment next month where we can update your weight/height/etc. Here's your current Raggedy pic:
Like the title insinuates, you are one very bossy baby. You know what oyu want and you do everything you can to ensure you get it. In that pursuit, you've become very good at the word please, though you maybe overuse it :). Here's one of my favorite new videos demonstrating the new baby boss:
You are sort of a nutcase :) You LOVE to be the center of attention, and tend to get your wish by doing bizarre things. Like running around the house with a helmet on or hiding under laundry baskets or making duck faces with Aunt T.
You are an extremely happy kid, though we're getting samples of your tantrums. You're very very good with the word no and mine, and make regular use of them when someone tries to tell you what to do. You adore your siblings and like to mimic whatever they do.
You are extremely talkative, and really, pretty easy to understand. You can communicate most everything you want, and your starting to learn certain characters you like (Elmo, Doc (McStuffins),a and Let it Go (Elsa)).
We went to the aquarium last weekend, you loved all the fish, especially the 'BIG FISH' (sharks). You also liked touching the sting rays, or at least putting your arms all the way in the water.
Here are a couple of my favorite Kaia stories for the moment.
Last night Daddy bumped you with a door that you were standing behind, you looked up at him and very calmly said "Beep beep!".
You love to pick pictures out of people you know, you saw a picture on the wall of the Broncos cheerleaders and immediately pointed to one and exclamed, "Mommy!"'ve been well taught baby girl :)
You melted the hearts of everyone in a restaurant when you went running as fast as your little legs could carry you to greet your Daddy with a big hug as he walked through the door.
We all adore you sweet girl, the happiest part of my day is coming to get you from school, and much to the annoyance of everyone around me, you're pretty much all I talk about. You are the little love of my life and I can't imagine life without you. We'll post soon after our Thanksgiving adventure, love you!