I think my biggest problem as a parent is that I'm going to give you a massive ego problem. I truly believe you are the greatest baby to ever walk the earth :) I suppose that's how it should be...Here's your 16 month shot:
Your current favorite things include slides, coloring, your family, Elmo, and singing. You have the sweetest little voice, and when you sing you sort of whisper it to yourself. It's exceptionally cute. You are an AMAZING eater, I've never seen anything like it. Last night you ate an entire can of green beans and a packet of tuna fish. We try to keep it healthy and you seem more than content with that arrangement.
You hate being dropped off at daycare still, though you seem to do better if we go look at our family picture on the bulletin board before I go. When I come to pick you up you quite literally drop anything you're doing and come running to me. It's my favorite part of the day, or at least a close second to the cuddles I get at night. You love giving smooches and hugs, and are quickly learning all sorts of new words. You are good at 'hungry' and have been known to grab your bib and stand at the bottom of your high chair repeating it over and over. You're also learning body parts, you're great at nose, tongue and feet...but past that pretty much any other body part we name gets you to point at your ears. You also ADORE books, you get extremely excited whenever we sit down to read one, you even read to Raggedy:
I have a trillion new videos of you (see the links to youtube on the side of the page), I think they're all adorable, but below is one of my favorites. You've been terrified of swings up until this point, but apparently if Noah pushes you it not only become ok, it becomes one of the most fun things you've ever done.
Halloween is coming fast, and you can be sure that there will be a post of your Halloween festivities as soon as I have some pictures. You're getting to an age where you interact with everything around you, so these holidays are much more entertaining than they were a year ago. You also love candy, though you don't always figure out that wrappers need to be removed, especially when you find this candy and help yourself to it.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the last few weeks:
I adore you little girl!