Wednesday, April 30, 2014

February Photo Book

 Kaia bear,

Still working hard to catch up on these books, I've instituted a policy requiring I don't fall more than 2 months behind, so far so good :) Here's February, we'll get on March soon. Love you bitty!

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Double Digit Baby

Little Buffin (that's your Dad's nickname for you),

You have officially hit the double digits today...can't believe you're already 10 months old. You have far out paced Raggedy Anne's growth and now tower over her. You used to fit on her lap!

I think if I had to describe you in one word right now I'd have to say you are destructive. You seem to mostly enjoy destroying anything you can put your hands on. It's almost as if you have this *need* to wreck anything we put in front of you. You're getting really good at herding your brothers into corners, since you have to be involved in everything that's the only way they can keep you from destroying/eating all of their things. You're still very sweet and are almost always in a good mood. We're expecting some teeth soon, but so far nothing has popped through.

We're working on the Mama wording, though you seem to delight in making this a battle:

You crack me up little bug. I love you a ton little munkin!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Baby bunny


 We rounded up the final big first holidays for you with a fantastic end of tax season/Easter celebration. For Easter we went to Byron & Melissa's and played with your sister, your Aunt/Uncle, your Grandma, and your cousins. You had a lot of fun, mostly knocking down towers. We did let you have a go at one of the chocolate seemed to enjoy it.

You didn't quite get the point of the eggs (though I'm not sure any of us really do), but rather insisted on eating everything we handed you. We only gave you one egg to mess with, it seemed like more than enough to keep you busy:

I continued my holiday abuse of you (sorry baby girl) and put you in this absurd(ly cute) bunny outfit. You were a little trooper. 

The Easter bunny bought you some new shoes, and we got so many easter gifts from all of your family. Thank you to everyone for making it such a special end to our year of first holidays! We love you all!

In other are quite the spunky little peanut. You rule the house, and have your brothers cowering in corners to escape you. Now that you're on the move you are extremely busy at all times.  You love knocking things over, and put EVERYTHING in your mouth. You like being tickled and playing hide and go seek, and you are just a little cuddle bug. We weighed you at the gym recently, you are 18.8lbs, but your getting a bit more lean since you're in constant motion. You're also very talented at throwing fits. 

Why is the baby in the picture below crying? Because she wasn't allowed to eat diaper wipes.


 Finally, we are finally through with tax season, woohoo!! You came to celebrate with us, and while it wasn't 100% your scene you loved seeing your Popo and Grammie and eating all of the beer oranges.

We enjoyed our day off spending some time with Bonna and Grandma, it was gorgeous weather so we've been working on your tan (kidding sweet girl, we bathe you in sunblock). 

You are turning into a little mini terrorist, but you are such an adorable sweetheart that we still find that to be a very amusing quality.  You'll be ruling the house in no time. I love you a ton little munkin, we'll have another post soon as you will be 10 months old (gasp) on Friday.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Look who's moving!

Baby bug,

You finally did it! (though I suspect your first crawl was actually at daycare and they did me a favor and let me pretend I didn't miss that). You're very deliberate about each step at this point, but it'll be effortless soon enough. I adore you little sweet!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Kaia learns her colors

Daddy and I had a slight disagreement, he thinks you are old enough to start learning your colors, I am not so sure you're there yet. Here is the evidence, you decide for yourself how much you're absorbing the color lesson: